News and events

Summary of the April activities within the project of Bojan Adamič 100. anniversary

13. 7. 2012

Concert by Slovene Police Orchestra on April 3, 2012

On the concert in Gallus hall in Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, composer Milko Lazar dedicated his new composition “Bil je mož od foha” to Bojan Adamič. In extension of the concert the orchestra, conducted by colonel Michael J. Colbrun played also Adamic famous composition Tra-ta-ta.

Show by Slovenian music school’s brass orchestras on April 13 and 14, 2012

The show by music school’s brass orchestras took place on Konzervatorij za glasbo in balet Ljubljana. Some of them performed also Adamič compositions in their program, for ex Brass orchestra from music school in Sevnica and KGB Ljubljana.

Recital – concert dedicated to prof. Albert – Ali Dermelj on April 16, 2012

Violinist Alenka Maier Popov played in the concert extension in the hall Matije Tomca at Glasbena šola in Zavod sv. Stanislava in Ljubljana composition Pomladno prebujenje from movie Vesna, music by Bojan Adamič.

Concert by Music school KGB Ljubljana in the frame of “Slovene days of the book” in Ljubljana, April 16 and 20, 2012

On the opening on April 16. and during the week on April 20, 2012 on congressional market in Ljubljana, quartet of clarinets with musical instruments of music school KGB Ljubljana played many Adamič compositions.

Concert by Marko Brecelj “To the Master who discovered me” April 22, 2012

In Kosovel Hall of Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana, Marko Brecelj performed the concert, which he dedicated to Bojan Adamič. It was in the frame of his one week performance Brecljevanje.

Project information has been announced

There were three additions to the project

  • Reflections, written by Bojan Adamič on the following themes: photography, film music, chanson and his work.

  • Photos of Bojan Adamič on the project home page.

  • List of Adamič work in english language.

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