News and events
Summary of July and August activities within the project on Bojan Adamič 100th anniversary
14. 9. 2012
The Bojan Adamič anniversary in his birth place Ribnica on August 9, 2012
Mayor of Ribnica, Mr. Jože Levstek, Mrs. Alenka Pahulje from Javni sklad za kulturne dejavnosti and family Adamič held a press conference on Adamič 100 birthday and later on all together put flowers to Adamič birth house on Kolodvorska street 5. This event was reported in Ribnica magazine Rešeto.
The opening of the film retrospective with Bojan Adamič music in the Museum of Slovene film actors in Divača, August 10, 2012
Retrospective of 47 films started in Divača with film Vesna and will continue later on in September in Ljubljana. At the opening, mayor of Divaca Mr. Drago Božac was present. Slovene violin player Alenka Maier-Popov accompanied with piano by Vlasta Doležal-Rus, played Adamič composition Pomlad and part of the music from film Vesna. Her violin dates from 1720 and is the same one, as the original music for film Vesna has been recorded in 1953 by violinist Ali Dermelj.
To this opening, the president of Slovenia, Mr. Danilo Türk was also invited. They were all very pleased, but later on, due to his other commitment, had to cancel his presence.
The concert by Mladinski pihalni orkester Zveze slovenskih godb in the frame of Musica creativa in Slovene philharmony on August 23, 2012 and on Tito square in Koper on August 26, 2012
Mladinski pihalni orkester Zveze slovenskih godb (The youth brass orhestra), conducted by Netherlands conductor Jan Cober, played Adamič composition Suita za pihalni orkester.
Publication of CD by Anton Zupan with Adamič composition
Slovene clarinet player Anton Zupan included Adamič composition Tinkarin rojstni dan in his new CD.
Photo book about the Project on 100th anniversary
Family Adamič contributed the photo book, covering events and activities within the first half year of the project.
Handing over the legacy of Bojan Adamič to Slovenska Kinoteka and National university library
Alenka Adamič handed materials with Adamič film background to Mrs. Metka Dariš from Slovenska kinoteka and personal correspondences together with contracts, photos to National university library in Ljubljana, where already a few hounded Adamič music scores are being held.
Project information has been announced
Interactive portal of RTV SLO MMC, 9. 8. 2012 – Announcement of the beginning of the retrospective in Divača.
Radio Krka – 9. 8. 2012 marked the 100. Anniversary.
RTV SLO1, 10. 8. 2012 – Vesna in drugi filmi z Adamičevo glasbo (report on Adamič music).
Radio Murski val, 10. 8. 2012 – News about the retrospective in Divača.
Radio Slovenija 1, 10. 8. 2012 – Gremo v kino starting at 22. minute (retrospective in Divača, including interview with Alenka Adamič).
Primorski dnevnik, 10. 8. 2012 – Kultura: V poklon Bojanu Adamiču še nekaj velikih dogodkov.
Radio Hit, 10. 8. 2012 – News: Retrospective in Divača.
Radio Slovenija 3, 10. 8. 2012 – Svet kulture starting in 3. minute (retrospective in Divača).
TV Slovenija 1, 10. 8. 2012 – Poletna scena starting in 5. minute (retrospective in Divača, including interview with Alenka Adamič).
Mladina 10. 8. 2012 – Retrospective in Divača.
Primorske novice 10. 8. 2012 – Velikan filmskih not (about Adamič film music).
Radio Slovenija 1, 11. 8. 2012 – Dogodki in odmevi starting in 18. minute (about the retrospective in Divača with Alenka Adamič and Alenko Maier Popov interviews).
Newspaper Večer, 11. 8. 2012 – Kultura: Retrospective in Divača.
Newspaper DELO – Retrospektiva filmov z glasbo Bojana Adamiča (retrospective in Divača).
Internet ŠILC Portal, 11. 8. 2012, reported about the project and putting flowers on Adamič birth place (house).
Newspaper Primorske novice 13. 8. 2012 – Zven violine iz leta 1720 (retrospective in Divača, sound of the violin from 1720).
BONBON, Newspaper Večer, august 2012 – Stoletnica mojstra Adamiča (100th anniversary).
Newspaper Dnevnik 18. 8. 2012 – Z levo popevke, z desno simfonije.
Newspaper Slovenske novice 18. 8. 2012 – Mojster, pa majster in celo palir.
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