News and events
Summary of October activities within the project on Bojan Adamič 100th anniversary and wider
26. 11. 2012
The concert by students from Elementary music school of KGB Ljubljana (Conservatory for music and ballet Ljubljana) on October 1, 2012 on Ljubljana castle
Concert was organized by Ministry of education, science, culture and sport of Slovenia to celebrate Adamič 100 anniversary. Invited were members of the working group for mats, science and technologies within European commission.
Musical evening in Ribnica on October 22, 2012
Municipality Ribnica organized an extraordinary pleasant evening on October 22, 2012. After the awarding of the municipal rewards, the program was dedicated to Adamič, born in Ribnica in 1912.
Adamič days in Maribor between October 26 and 28, 2012
Adamič days in Maribor comprised numerous events, concerts and a symposium.
On Friday, October 26, 2012 the festive meeting of representatives of organizational committee was in The Old Vine House, attended also with the majority of members of the international CISM Silver Club.
On Saturday, October 27, 2012:
The international scientific symposium about Adamič life and work took place at the University library Maribor.
There were two openings of the exhibitions: The exhibition Broom for master, which introduced Adamič work and life and The sound of mask, which included Adamič photographs of Shrovetide masks.
In the evening the festive concert of Orchestra of Slovene police and Orchestra of Slovene army took place under excellent conductor Milivoj Šurbek.
On Sunday, October 28, 2012 Brass day took place in the frame of Adamič concert day. Five brass orchestras played Adamič music.
Adamič days ended on Sunday, October 28, 2012 with festive session of The Association of Slovenian brass bands. They introduced luxurious issuing of Adamič Requiem (music for brass orchestra and vocal) and Festive book for 40 years of the Association and concluded the evening with granting memorial documents for all brass orchestras, taking part within the Adamič spring project. With this session Adamic year within brass music symbolically ended.
New notation publications and CDs
Zveza slovenskih godb (The Association of Slovenian Brass Bands), published a luxury edition of Requiem, music for brass orchestras.
Društvo slovenskih skladateljev (The Association of Slovenian Composers) republished the CD Bojan Adamič – Iz simfoničnega opusa (Bojan Adamič – from his symphonic oeuvre) with 12 compositions and the Ljubljana piano concert. They also prepared the notation publication Prelepa si bela Ljubljana (You are gorgeous, beautiful Ljubljana) with 15 popular songs by Bojan Adamič.
Project information has been announced
Invitations to Maribor events were announced in the following media:
newspaper DELO – 23. 10. 2012 – Vrhunec godbenega poklona Bojanu Adamiču
newspaper Večer – 23. 10. 2012 – Brezčasni glasbenik za vse and 26. 10. 2012 Adamičevi dnevi v Mariboru
Planet – 23. 10. 2012 – Godbeni poklon Bojanu Adamiču
on-line brass magazine Slovenski godbenik and on Si21 web site
newspaper NEDELO – 28. 10. 2012 – Koncertni dan Bojana Adamiča
Symposium was announced in the following media:
newspaper DELO – 22. 10. 2012 – Bojan Adamič – med klasiko in jazzom
Project Thinking Slovene: V Mariboru simpozij o življenju in delu Bojana Adamiča
on the web sites of the Academy for music, Ljubljana, on the page of Slovene music information center, on the page of Public funds for cultural activites of Republic Slovenija, on the web site of University library Maribor
Events were announced in the following media:
newspaper Večer – 30. 10. 2012 – Kako je Adamič oblikoval glasbeno govorico and on 14. 11. 2012 – Poklicno in ljubiteljsko-odlično
Interactive portal of RTV SLO MMC – 30. 10. 2012 and in on-line magazine DELO – 29. 10. 2012 – Sklenjeni Adamičevi dnevi
Interactive portal of RTV SLO MMC – 27. 10. 2012 – 2012 je do samega konca leto Bojana Adamiča
Radio Slovenia – 31. 10. 2012 – Glasbeni utrip staring in 20 minute
TV Slovenia1 – 28. 10. 2012 – Dnevnik
Municipality day in Ribnica was reported in the magazine Rešeto and on portal ŠILC.
There were two additions to the project
The digitalization of documentary films by Bojan Adamič, which he has been filming while traveling worldwide as well as on many festivals. Project collaboration for this part of the project started with Studio MEG.
Posting of numerous reflections by Bojan Adamič himself. Within the project many Adamič observations, letters, reflections have been made public (in Slovene and Serbo-Croatian language) and they represent priceless part of his heritage.
You are kindly invited to our Facebook page, where photos from events are being posted.